Hidden Dangers College


I had an interesting experience over the weekend that is worth sharing with you. I’ve never tried to sell my products at a flea market. I was not quite sure what was going to happen or what kind of reception I would get. I was hopeful and optimistic.

For two days I was there the biggest single topic was “What can we do to protect our daughter-she’s in college?”

I hate to tell you this parents but the school is perhaps the hot bed of sexual violence in the country. I’m not trying to scare you or make you paranoid but share the facts with you.

It is a fact that sexual assault is highest among college age women, and as this happens on or near college campuses. It is estimated that only 5% of all sexual assaults on campus are reported because of the fear factor. 95% of all cases go unreported. Just a fact!

In the next few weeks millions of teenage children preparing to leave home for the first time and head off for a freshman in college. Anticipation to explore new things, experiment, and oh yes learning too, fills the hearts and minds of teenagers.

Thoughts of rape, drugs, assault, and a myriad of other hazards fill the hearts of parents and scare the hell out of the parents

Some Facts Please: ..

– One of four women will be sexually assaulted on a college campus

–One of eight women will be raped while in college

-. 84% of women who were raped knew their assailant

-. 57% of rapes occur on a date.

-. 75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in date rape had been drinking or using drugs

What can parents do

o do they do? Kids aware of the risk-just the facts will do.

o Make them have some warning signs of deviant behavior.

o Encourage caution when dating especially when it comes to alcohol-number one date rape drug.

o get them some non lethal self defense weapons such as pepper sprays that are easy to use, easy to conceal and inexpensive.

take a leadership role in their self-defense. School officials and campus police can not be everywhere. It is up to you and your children to be responsible for their own protection.
