Study Abroad – Free Education for international students


Study abroad scholarship programs have been going on for quite some time now in some parts of the world. Study abroad scholarship program came up to help people who do not have money to study abroad. Most of these people do not even enough to finance college or university in their home countries. But free education now, people can get a good education in the best country in the world.

Recently, countries which offer free education for international students are so few because of changes in policy. Free tuition school for foreign students can only be found in some parts of Europe today. Sweden used to be the most popular country in Europe which is very much interested in free education for international students. The government of Sweden has been to provide study abroad scholarships for foreign students for years now. People even started to think that free scholarship college in Sweden would be there forever. It came as a shock to everyone when the news spread that from the autumn of 2011, it will not be a study abroad scholarship college for international students in Sweden. However, this trend was not immediately implemented. There was still a chance for international students to apply for the spring semester registration in Sweden of free tuition. After this semester, the policy takes effect immediately.

Although they have tried to help people learn for free in their own land, this recent trend is simply an eye opener. Other European free lessons might as well change their own policies.


Christmas Ideas for College Students


Need some special Christmas ideas for college students on your list this year? Of course they want a Kindle, iPad, iPhone or any other expensive electronic gadget which they claim is necessary to survive and want help with learning. But if you have some relatives or friends in the list of college students this year that these items are probably not in your budget, and you have some cheaper ideas.

Some other factors when shopping for great gifts for college students is that you want to get them something useful or fun that they can use in school and do not take up much space! Space is at a premium in the dorm room and you do not want to give the student something bulky to lug their journey back to school either.

One way you can get around having to carry something heavy back to school gift you can not go wrong is the gift card. They can be a bit impersonal, but money is another commodity that is tight around the university dorm! An Amazon gift card allows the student to achieve something they need or want and pool them with other Amazon gift cards they could get. Amazon is not only carry their own gift cards. They also have gift cards for restaurants, movies, supermarkets, just about everything you can think of. Do not check and make sure that there is a store where a student lives first!

What else make good gifts for the students? How about some goodies for the dorm room. Most of the students have access to a microwave, but usually limited refrigerator or shelf space to keep stock of “real food” on hand. Cafeteria food gets old, however, and eating out is expensive. Being able to heat something up to your room while learning can be a time saver and money saver and some comfort from home.

This is another gift that does not need to go back to school. You can easily have goodies transferred to the student dorm. I would wait until after the holidays so you know they’ll be there to get it. A short note in a card or a gift symbol to tell them what to expect will give them something special to look forward to when they get back to the grind after the holidays.

How about a selection of fine hot cocoa, hot cider, tea or other hot beverage that only needs water heated up in the microwave? Nothing like a settlement with a hot drink on a cold winter night and the sweet taste of home, too!

snack food is probably where college students spend most of their money. Something salty or sweet and crunchy to munch on while learning keeps the brain focused, or so I am told by various students of the school. This is another food gift might seem a little silly at first, but will be highly appreciated. Selection of microwave popcorn or chocolate-covered espresso beans could be a great Christmas gifts for college students. Of course, prepackaged snack cart choice for just about every taste or occasion also available if you wanted to do it.

We heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and a good breakfast helps you learn better. It is probably the meal that gets released students most. The last extra precious minutes of sleep always win out over the cafeteria for a real breakfast. Would not you enjoy knowing that student is to get a good hot breakfast once in a while instead of always having a donut on the run? Think oatmeal or other hot cereal. I’m not talking about the instant stuff that tastes like glue. I’m talking about the Christmas present of some of the real stuff packed with goodies from dried fruit and brown sugar. Something they would never go out and buy for themselves but will happily cook in the microwave and eat while getting ready for class.

Does not that make you feel better?


Well-known Virginia universities and colleges


Virginia is home to a number of colleges and universities, with many of them being nationally recognized for both their academic and athletic performance. That being said, here are some of the Commonwealth’s institutions of higher education can be called a national

The University of Virginia

Located in Charlottesville and founded the Thomas Jefferson, UVA regularly ranked one of the top academic institutions in both undergraduate and post-graduate. With a well-respected law school, undergraduate Business School, Post Graduate write programs and medical school it be their home looking academic and athletic excellence

Notable alumni include :. Edgar Allen Poe, Walter Reed, Katie Couric, Tiki and Ronde Barber, and James Farrior.

Virginia Tech

Formally known as Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Vtech, as it is commonly known, is located in Blacksburg, having been founded in 1872. With a well ranked undergraduate engineering department, as well as well-ordered base Business School. In addition, six engineering specialties Vtech is ranked in the top 20 nationally.

Also known for sports, VTech is an annual competitor in the ACC football and recently saw a resurgence in the men’s basketball program. Basketball women’s team is perennially represented in the following season

Notable alumni include: .. Hoda kotb, Jayma Mays, Bruce Smith, Michael Vick, Deangelo Hall, Josh Morgan and Eddie Royal

George Mason University

Located just outside DC in Fairfax, GMU is the largest college of employees in the Commonwealth, with over 32,500 students, with about 5,500 actually living on campus. While GMU also has campuses in Prince William County and Arlington, Fairfax campus only offers housing students.

Named founding father George Mason, GMU was originally a branch of UVA. Founded in 1957, it was separated from UVA in 1972 to become its own university. But one of the junior college in Virginia, but has gained praise for Economics who invited two Nobel Prize winners on staff, and burst on the national scene in 2006 when the men’s basketball team made it all the way to the Final Four before losing in the end champion Florida.

Virginia Commonwealth University

Located in Richmond, VCU was not officially created until 1968 when the Richmond Professional Institute and the Medical College of Virginia merged. Well known for both MCV medical school and extensive arts programs, VCU is also a popular school thanks place in the heart of Richmond.

As for the GMU, VCU jumped into the national consciousness with a 2011 Final Four appearance with basketball of the men eventually lost Butler

Notable alumni include: .. Path Adams, David Baldacci, members of the band Gwar, Debbie Matenopoulos and Brandon Inge

Virginia Military Institute

Founded in 1839 and located in Lexington, VMI is the oldest state supported Military College in the country. Although often referred to as the “West Point of the South”, are students at VMI not forced into the service of discharge as other academies, but on their time in school as they are to participate in Army ROTC training.

With a history older than the American Civil War, the department have included Stonewall Jackson, and the school was important for the South during the Civil War as it played a key role in training soldiers for combat and Corp of cadets fought as an independent unit, distinction it holds from other academies services.

The College of William & Mary

Located in Williamsburg, William & Mary was founded in 1693 by Royal Charter from King William III and Queen Mary II. One older school of higher education in the United States, Harvard, however, William & Mary is home to the first university secret society, the FHC Society.

Featuring the lowest student to the faculty ration (12 to 1) and 99% of all primary classes (except Labs) are taught by professors instead mentors, William & Mary is regularly listed as one of the top undergraduate teaching program

Notable alumni include: .. Jon Stewart, Mike Tomlin, Perry Ellis, Patton Oswalt, James Monroe and Thomas Jefferson


Safety Tips for college girls


Like any young ladies head back to school, they need to be aware of are questionable people with ulterior motives even in the college campus. When they become aware of the fact that they will be better prepared to protect themselves from becoming a victim.

I advise all young ladies to become very familiar with their surroundings, always be alert to strange men or strange vehicles parked in and around the street where they could live. Never give out your address to a stranger not even cute guy you met in class. Never Walk Alone in the night of the class or dorm, always keep to well-lit areas on the way. It would be wise to let a friend or roommate know highway home or class, and estimated time of arrival phone.

One suggestion I have is to have proper protection in case the unthinkable could happen. A College Girl Safety Kit is one way to provide safety and security for the dorm room or apartment. Carrying pepper spray or a personal alarm can also provide the necessary time to escape a terrible situation. Don ‘t let yourself fall victim to a senseless crime because you were not ready.

In reviewing the ladies. Be aware of your surroundings, keep your guard up when strangers are present. Keep your head up and pepper spray Your key chain or in your coat pocket. Introduce ourselves operations, be prepared to defend yourself. Never take any situation for granted. Remember Ted Bundy lured young ladies to help him because he seemed harmless, play most of all the natural desire to be useful.

Finally, be alert, stay focused, and always been somewhat suspicious of out of place person.


How to lower tuition costs for college


As an alumnus private university in Chicago, I am fully aware of the cost to attend school. Many students I come in contact with complain that instruction is too high. I have seen many of the financial plans. Many have to pay $ 500- $ 3000 per month in order to continue his studies. Some have no choice but to drop out because they are not paying.

1. Consider going to Community College

As a 1989 high school graduate, I knew I was not ready for college. My parents can not afford the high cost of college tuition, so I decided to attend a Junior College. Since my income was next to nothing and I lived on my own, I qualified for every grant available.

2. Consider part-time

This is a great way to offset the cost of tuition while getting experience. There are a number of resources you can use to get a part-time job to help pay for a portion of college tuition friend. Visit or to find part-time work in your area. There are also organizations that will assist you in finding a job.

Jobs of the youngsters is a non-profit organization assisting individuals to obtain the skills necessary to find work. Chicago residents can visit for more information.

3. Find a job that offers tuition reimbursement

Most employers offer tuition reimbursement to their employees as a perk or incentive. Usually you need to complete one or more years of employment before you are able to take advantage of tuition reimbursement. Tuition reimbursement usually reach between 50-100% of tuition costs and your books. Some employers have to continue to work for at least 1-2 years after graduation. You also have to maintain a certain average to continue to receive tuition reimbursement.


Jafnvægi College Life og Námsleiðir


1. Stjórna áætlun þinni; Ekki láta þitt Dagskrá stjórna þér

Skipulag og tímastjórnun færni eru tveir af the dýrmætur færni sem þú verður alltaf að hafa. Einn af the fyrstur hlutur þú ættir að gera í upphafi hverrar annar er að skipuleggja dagsetningar öllum bekknum próf og verkefni umsóknarfresti frá hverju kennsluáætlun, og allt sem þarf fundi og viðburði frá hverri stofnun. Allar skuldbindingar ætti þá að vera skráður í miðlægan áætlun sem þú viðurværi á öllum tímum, svo sem dagleg skipuleggjandi, skrifborð dagbók, eða jafnvel PDA (persónulegur stafrænn aðstoðarmaður). Næstu 4 mánuði, þú veist nú nákvæmlega hvað þú verður að skipuleggja restina af lífi þínu í kring.

Næsta, það er mjög mælt með fyrir þig að setja fram áætlun fyrir þig skriflega að fela öll önnur atriði sem þú vilt til að búa til eins og venja. Mikilvægast, þetta ætti sinnum náms, svo sem hverjum þriðjudag og fimmtudag frá 3:30 – 6:30. Líkamlega loka á þessi tímabil á þriðjudögum og fimmtudögum fyrir the hvíla af the annar. Auðvitað, the mikilvægur hluti af að búa til áætlun er stafur til það! Svo, að vera agi nóg til að skipuleggja önnur starfsemi sem er minna máli um þá sem eru mikilvægastar.

2. Biddu um hjálp þegar þú þarft hana

Hvort sem það felur í sér fræðimenn eða skipulagi ábyrgð, allir koma til a benda hvar þeir telja óvart. Þetta er það sem vinir, náungi meðlimir, og önnur úrræði háskóla eru til. Því miður, það eru nokkrar ástæður fyrir því að fólk leitast ekki hjálp þegar það er í boði. Sumir reyna að taka á of mikið, reyna að sanna fyrir sjálfum sér að “ég get gert þetta allt á mína eigin.” Sumir kunna ekki að viðurkenna að fólk sem þeir “geta ekki höndlað allt.” Aðrir telja sig verða að gera allt allt á eigin spýtur, því aðeins þá munu þeir vita að það mun fá gert rétt og á réttum tíma (snemma merki um að vera stjórn viðundur). Hins vegar sendinefnd er lærður kunnátta, og (þegar það er notað á réttan hátt) geta í raun að aðstoða við verkefni sem lokið hraðar, með minna mistökum og minna álagi.

Fræðilegt, leita út aðstoð þegar þú skilur ekki eitthvað. Það ætti að vera nóg af úrræðum í boði, frá að skrifa miðstöðvar, til að tölvuverum, að útskrifast aðstoðarmenn, til prófessora okkar sem bjóða skrifstofutíma. Það eru líka aðrir nemendur sem kunna að skilja að efni betur, eða hafa jafnvel tekið námskeið áður. Sérstaklega í mjög stórum flokkum, sumir nemendur kunna að hræða til að biðja um hjálp. En eini tilgangur stofnunarinnar og allar þessar auðlindir er að hjálpa þér að læra. Svo nota þau. Biðja um reipi að vera hent niður áður en þú drukkna!

3. Halda tökum á Betri Reykjavík

Skilja hvað forgangsröðun eru á hverjum degi er eitt af stærstu lyklunum að háskóli árangri. Það er einnig einn af the auðveldlega hugmyndir að missa utan um. Það er a fljótur-skref heimi, þar sem það er auðvelt að verða afvegaleiðast með félagsstarfi, sjónvarpsþáttum, tölvuleikjum, osfrv Sumir bera kortið í veskinu sínu, eða jafnvel staða kortið á tölvunni sinni, þar sem þeir listum sem Efstu 1-5 forgangsröðun í lífi þeirra. Kortið segir “er það sem ég er að gera núna með minn tími stuðla beint að eitt af forgangsverkefnum mínum í lífinu?” Ef svarið er “Nei,” þá þjónar það sem góð áminning um að þú gætir verið að gera eitthvað mikilvægara.

Allir eru nákvæmlega 24 klukkustundir á dag. Fólk sem ná meira í lífinu gerir einfaldlega betur 24 klst þeirra á hverjum degi en allir aðrir. Hvað þú gerir við hvert 24 klukkustundir þínum hefur eins mikið að gera með árangri þínum í háskóla eins og allir annar þáttur. Það er gamalt orðatiltæki að “ef það nógu mikilvægt að þú, gera þú tíma fyrir það.” Vertu viss um að enginn er í umsjá tíma nema fyrir þig. Það er eitt af verðmætustu eignum sem þú hefur.

4. Ekki bíða þar til í lok College starfsframi þinn til Stöðva fresta (fá það?)

Hvort sem það er atburður eða önn verkefni sem er tveir mánuðir í burtu, spyrja sjálfan þig á hverjum degi “Hvað er hægt að gera núna í stað þess að síðar? ” Skrifaðu niður þegar þú ert að fara að gera eitthvað, ekki bara þegar eitthvað er vegna. Tímamörk fyrir sjálfan þig, og setja þá skriflega. Þá standa við það. Flestir fresta vegna þess að virkni sem þeir eiga að gera er ekki eins æskilegt og hvað þeir myndu frekar vera að gera. Hins vegar, ef þú hefur lokið verkefni snemma, getur þú notið frítími þinn áhyggjur-frjáls. Þetta er eitt af stærstu leiðir til að draga úr streitu.

Ef það er 3. degi mánaðarins, og það er verkefni vegna þann 28. mánaðarins, flestir nemendur hafa varla að verkefni á skjánum ratsjá enn. Þá sjá þeir verkefnið skríða upp á dagatali sínu þann 24. eða 25., og þeir segja “Uh-ó!” Frekari, átta þeir það er atburður skipulögð á 26, og þeir verða að vinna á hlutastarfi þeirra starf á 27.! Þessi skortur á áætlanagerð er það sem leiðir til annaðhvort ungfrú fresti, eða beygja verkefni í á réttum tíma, en með lélegar. Auk þess að lélegar, leiddi það einnig að taka óþarfa streitu í 4 daga. Auðveld leið til að takast á verkefni á undan tíma er að brjóta verkefnið niður í nokkra smærri. Til dæmis, í stað þess að skrifa 10 blaðsíðna ritgerð á einni nóttu, skrifa 1-síðu á dag í 10 daga, eða 1-síðu annan hvern dag. Þetta mun spara tíma, auka gæði og minnka streitu.

5. Fara til flokkur

Það er rétt. Skipstjóri bekknum er einn af hættulegustu, enn freistandi venja á Hringbraut háskóli dag. Jú, þú might vera fær til að missa flokk hér og þar – jafnvel missa mikið af flokkum – og samt fara ef þú troða nógu erfitt. Hins vegar er ekki að gera hlutina harður á sjálfan þig, gera það auðvelt. Því meira sem þú mæta bekknum, því minna sem þú þarft til að læra, og því meiri tíma sem þú þarft fyrir allt annað sem þú vilt eða þarft að gera. Prófessorar hafa einnig leið að segja þér hvað verður á prófinu, og útskýra svörin í bekknum – en þú ert bara privy til að ef þú ert í raun í flokki

Reyndu að komast í vana að. neyða þig til að sitja í fyrir framan bekkinn, sérstaklega í stórum bekkjum. Rannsóknir sýna að nemendur halda fleiri upplýsingar, og borga meiri athygli, jafnvel þótt þeir átta sig ekki það. Það hjálpar líka að halda þér vakandi. Sem gerir yfirleitt að taka betri skýringum, eins og heilbrigður. Og ganga úr skugga prófessor veit nafn þitt!

6. Finna leiðbeinanda eða Dæmi um mikla nemandi lifer í fyrirtæki þínu

Næstum sérhver stofnun hefur eitt eða fleiri nemendum sem eru skínandi dæmi um jafnvægi milli auka-curricular starfsemi og fræðimenn. Þeir gera List deildarforseta á hverju misseri, halda mikilvægu skrifstofu í skipulagningu, vinna í hlutastarfi, og jafnvel með kærasta eða kærasta. Allir virðast spyrja “Hvernig gera þeir það?”

Svo eru þeir betri en þú? Í flestum tilvikum, alls ekki! Það hafa verið bókstaflega milljónir menntaskólanemar sem voru “nógu klár” að útskrifast, en sem ekki á sviði tímastjórnun, forgangsröðun og ábyrgð. Svo, skilja vana þá sem eru vel á jafnvægi háskóli lífs og fræðimenn. Spurðu þá hvað leyndarmál þeirra eru, og hey mun vafalaust vera fús til að hjálpa. Fylgdu venja þeirra sem eru að takast það, ekki þær sem þú glíma. Vit, er það ekki?

7. Hafa gaman!

Ok, svo flestir menntaskólanemar þurfa ekki hjálp við þetta þjórfé, ekki satt? Hins vegar njóta þess á meðan þú getur – þú ert bara í háskóla einu sinni! Margir Bandaríkjamenn muna háskóli daga þeirra sem besta tíma í lífi þeirra. Trúa það eða ekki, prófessorar, stjórnendur, og okkur háskóli ræðumaður vilt þú að njóta hverrar mínútu ef það! Gerir skilvirka notkun tíma þínum og stjórna þinn tímaáætlun eru mikilvæg innihaldsefni í að vera fær um að njóta sjálfur. Þeir leyfa þér að draga úr streitu og ná árangri bæði innan og utan kennslustofunnar, svo þú getur haft BLAST á háskóli starfsframa þinn. Gangi þér vel!


Three of the best College Majors to choose to work with children


If college is on the horizon, and a career working with children is a dream, there are several areas of interest that can be explored. College is a time to break free, and find the thing you love the most, and there are some majors that can offer excellent career filled with fulfillment helping children. However, there are three in particular that can offer the best results.

Education This is the need to become a teacher. A state certificate is also required. There are specific areas including early childhood, primary education, secondary education, some of which offer mixed levels, as well as others who specialize in children with disabilities.

This process can be wonderfully satisfying, and it requires the least amount of education. It will be mandatory four-year bachelor’s degree from a recognized university, followed by the class training, and ultimately certification class. This is usually pretty routine, and can collect some remarkable results.

The issue of career learning are paid fairly low, ranging between $ 49,000- $ 52,000 at its peak, and work is this area is difficult to come by, as they are highly sought after. Working with children with special needs children have a higher turnover rate, and is easier to get in, but again, there is a great influx of teachers, and only so many jobs.

Nursing to be a nurse, a man can continue pediatrician who is working with children. To enter in this field usually requires a master’s degree in nursing, focusing on pediatrics.

Working with children in schools is always in demand. These jobs pay very well, if you can stick to education. This requires a person to become certified Resident Nurse (RN), focusing on pediatrics. And in many cases, a master’s degree is required.

The pay can be a $ 67,000, and in some cases, only a bachelor’s degree in nursing from an accredited university, certification, may be all that is required.

Child Psychology This major can offer many high paying opportunities. With a Bachelor’s degree, have day care or assist in the diagnosis of children with special needs and how best to deal with them, can be a great asset anywhere. However, master’s degree or higher, can offer in the field of pediatric psychologist at the hospital, diagnosis of mental illness in children with disabilities, which is in high demand.

Depending on the need and education, this field can pay between $ 67,000 and $ 100,000. It depends on the needs and availability, but it can be very lucrative and rewarding.

If jobs working with children is a goal, when leaving college, know best majors to get you there, and what is required.


Accounting Colleges in India


Accounting is a difficult field. Not everyone who wants to be an accountant, manages to do it. An immense amount of work and constant study is necessary. Getting into a good Accounting College increases your goal.

Delhi is the center of all activities in the nation. It has quite a few good accounting institutions. Jagannath International Management School, International College of Financial Planning (offering PG Diploma in Financial Planning), VAG Info-tech Pvt. Ltd (courses in accounts and Taxation), BLB Institute of Financial Markets (US Certified Public Accounting Program), ICA- Certified Industrial Accountant, Institute of Computer and Finance Executives (courses certified accounts Executive, Certified Finance Executive, Certified Account Executive, Finance Executive Programs), Scholar Classes Pvt. Ltd. offering CA and CPT, Computer Center for Management and Education (Advance Diploma in Financial Accounting), Sanjeev Varshney Classes (offer requests CS), AKN Commerce Classes (CA-CPT), are good colleges to gain access into. You can also apply to the University of Delhi and Amity University for accounting periods courses.

Kolkata also offers commendable opportunity of deciding on a career in accounting. College St. Xavier and Goenka College will arrange for institutions. Other good colleges are Indian Institute of Job Oriented Training (Finance), Heritage Academy, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Eastern India Regional Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, West Bengal Vocational Course and Eastern India Regional Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Students in West Bengal it does not replace the other parts of the country where there are both educational and career options available to them at home.

Mumbai is the preferred position of Accounting Colleges in India. MALAD Kandi Vali Education community Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce and Arts, SMT. P.D. K.P.B. Hinduja Trust Hinduja College Of Commerce, Chikitsak Samuhú’S SS & LS Patka College of Arts & Science And VP Varde College Of Commerce & Economics, Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association Mulund College Of Commerce, Parle Tilak Vidyalaya ML Association Dahanukar College Of Commerce. Other colleges where you can seek access are Shai encounter Education society Arts, Science and Commerce College, Nirmala Degree College, Sterling College of Commerce, and BM Ruia Girls College.

Bangalore today is the focal point of business in India. Undoubtedly ambit jobs here is multiple. So is the number of colleges extending accounting courses. The Bangalore Management Academy is a good choice. Other options are Bangalore Christ College, CB Bhandari Jain College, BHS First Grade College, Bangalore Branch Of SIRC Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Kristu Jayanti College, HKES Sree Veer Endra Patil Degree College of Science, Dr. Ambedkar Evening Degree College, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Rajajinagar Education community Sri Aurobindo First Grade College for women. There are several other containing Seshadripuram Institute for Studies in chartered accounting, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College and Sri Sai College. You can apply for any of this.

Few other institutions across the country have proven to be good Accounting Colleges. You should also consider them while making up your mind to bear. They are ICFAI in Nagaland is Gulbarga University and Karnataka Institute of Computer Accountants in Chennai.

Accountancy is scope galore in the business calendar today. Accounting Colleges in India are competing to offer the best course structure and a selection of students across the country. Labor market in metros is a huge one, but other cities also need their services. The important thing is to get accepted accounting university, but the motive should be to be more focused and eager to take up the inherent challenges of the profession.


Community College Vs Traditional University


Since I run a test prep company, I constantly bombarded with questions from parents, friends, colleagues and clients. One of the most interesting questions I get is whether the community college is a good choice for students. Like most things in life, the answer is not so simple. Let’s take a look at five things to consider when deciding whether to go to Community College.


One of the best reasons to go to Community College is cost. Even if we only look at public schools, teaching at UC schools is over $ 13,000 a year, and Cal State schools, it is over $ 5,000 a year. At community colleges, it is only about $ 1,000 a year. This is obviously a very big difference for students who come from lower income families. When you take into account the high interest student loans, the difference will be even more extreme. If a student were to go to UC schools first two years of college, when interest and fees on the loan, they would spend an additional $ 33,143 compared to if they went to Community College. If a student went to Cal State, they would spend about $ 13.809 more. These are not the amounts of ridicule.


Another important factor to consider is comfort. There are 112 community colleges in California against only 23 Cal State and UC 10 schools. The great Vocational school community makes many students to save on maintenance, we do not move out of his parents’ home. Further, many 17 or 18 year-old high school graduates do not even feel comfortable going home and would like to have a smoother transition from high school to college. Allow students to stay home, save money, and get used to the transition can make a big difference.

The College Experience

A lot of parents and students to discuss college not simply from a theoretical point of view, but also from “experience” perspective. Living in the dorms, to be part of the Greek System, enjoy major sports on campus, and so on are all important aspects of the experience. Unfortunately, most community colleges, this simply does not exist. A community college is much closer to high school than it is to traditional universities in terms of the social make-up.


With the downturn in the economy was the major cuts to all public colleges. Unfortunately, a lot of money has never come back. Practically speaking, that means that many students have a difficult time getting classes they need. This can sometimes lead to extended graduation dates. But students used to counting on finishing Community College within two years, nowadays they often need to be in three years. Although the problems are at the university as well, it is less significant at Cal States and even less at UC schools. Plus, where students are already in the university environment, they can take a minor or second major as they wait for the classes they need.


The next factor for consideration is one that is often misunderstood. To use a popular example, many people find it difficult to gain admission to school like UCLA directly from high school. The acceptance rate hovers at only about 20%! Over the years, have somehow many families come under the impression that a way around this problem is simply to go to a community college and transfer. However, there are two major issues with this. First, the acceptance rate for transmission is only 26% – still a low number. Second, you own a university in November, the second year of your Community College. It means that you are applying for when you only have two semesters of work completed. Most students take three or four courses a semester, which means they should have taken only seven or eight classes. This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on students to perform at a high level. What if one of those groups is particularly difficult, and you get a D? With only six other categories of your backups, you very well may have destroyed himself from contention if you hope to move to a top school.


Finally, it is a case of a major. About 80% of students change their major at least once in college and on average, they change a lot three times! As we discussed above, students will transfer at the beginning of the second year of college when they only take seven or eight courses. Oftentimes, students still do not feel confident that they know what they want to learn. Unfortunately, unlike when applying as a freshman, students are forced to make a long term commitment to a particularly serious when applying for the transfer. Most major (and basically all standard and popular ones) are considered “effect.” That means that if a student is enrolled in school after moving, they can not change any of these majors. So if you choose Sociology as major phone in November, the second year and third year, you decide that you really want to learn accounting, you simply can not change majors. You would need to complete a degree in sociology and then go back and take more courses in accounting after graduation. This is a big problem for many students.

As you can see, the question of whether the student should go to Community College is not so simple. There are many factors to consider and everyone should see it as a very personal decision.


As universities offer Study Abroad Programs in England and Iceland?


If you are currently a university student enrolled in the United States or Canada college or university, you may want to broaden your horizons by studying abroad. England and Ireland both offer a lot of educational opportunities for high school students, so you will want to do a little research before you head off to find foreign study in England or Ireland that will work for you.

Before you go, you’ll want to consider the length of the various study abroad programs in England and Ireland. If you want to have a short visit, summer program lasting two to four weeks could be perfect for you. On the other hand, you may want to study abroad for a longer period. Semester and full year programs are available at several universities in England and Ireland.

In England, Kingston, Lancaster, and Kent-Canterbury University all offer study abroad programs in England. For those who want the opportunity to study in Ireland, Dublin and Carlow offering business courses at the Institute of technology.

If you would like to study in London, semester or year-long study abroad Kingston University in England programs could be what you are looking for. You will enjoy an excellent free bus service during your stay in Kingston, which makes it easy to leave the city when you want. Many extra curricular activities are available for participants, including a variety of sports and trips to historic sites in London.

If you want to study abroad in England in the town with a rich history, then you might want to consider a semester or a year at the University of Kent in England. Located in Canterbury, you can easily travel from campus to both London and Paris, which gave you excellent travel opportunities when you’re not learning. It is also the home of the world famous Canterbury Cathedral. Back in the classroom, you will benefit from current research being done at the University in areas such as drama, English, preservation and law, all of which make for an excellent learning experience.

They want to learn the company should consider a program of Ireland available in both Dublin and Carlow. Many students benefit from these programs in England and Ireland because it gives you a global perspective that other college graduates will not have, thus giving you an edge in a tough job market today, when you return home. The same reasons for wanting to travel, study abroad programs in England and Ireland is great scholars along with once-in-a-lifetime visits to historical and cultural sites.
