College Money Problems


Have you ever thought why colleges in the United States cost so much? Plenty of students and their families might wonder what could be the main reasons for these high tuitions and fees for college education. As you may have already discovered, to pay for higher quality education in the United States can be incredibly expensive. The studies in US universities is a unique experience that has a significant amount of advantages. After all, we can all agree that higher education is definitely needed on the job market today. Even though it has positive points such as being away from home and experience the beauty of freedom, financial pressure is certainly a huge issue with most students, because they have to pay such high tuitions. Especially those who do not receive grants or any form of financial assistance have the hardest time money-wise. So they would have to sacrifice and pay high tuitions and living expenses by themselves in order to achieve their dreams. There are some common reasons that lead to high tuition in the United States, due to inflation, the federal government budget cuts, colleges are getting hit harder now than ever before. This increased tuition rates have a negative impact on society there after school the majority will be in debt. So they can not contribute as productively their jobs.

Inflation is taking a big toll on students at university level as far as money goes. Now, as the cost of living goes up, wages that workers will be going up in unison. Professors, Garden crews and all personnel on campus and then working through it are getting more money than ever. While this sounds like they are ripping off college students left and right, people seeking higher education need to realize that the cost of living increases, too, which means that people working for these universities that stay the same as far as how well that they are. Since the salaries of employees are going up, institutions for higher education will dish out more money, which makes tuitions higher. They have to increase revenues in some aspects, so they nowadays are doing this through a rise in tuition rates land. Vicki Smith, a writer for the Associated Press, informs teaching at WVU for the Fall 2012 semester has been increased by $ 145 for in-state students per semester and $ 449 for out of state and foreign students (Smith).

Catherine Rampe, reporter for The New York Times, believes that state funding cuts drive colleges to enhance their teaching. With this large reduction in funding to the university, they have to make up for financial losses somehow; how they do this is by increasing tuition (Rampe). So, this makes sense from a university perspective and leads students in debt make it more difficult for them to contribute to society. This makes them more difficult to have a decent life after graduation because of worrying about how to pay back all the loans and do not have this money for their own needs.

Another way that leads to a lot of teaching is that the federal government has the ability to dish out money as they please as long as they are discretionary funds. Regarding the flexibility they have with money, “education usually falls under the ‘discretionary spending’s share of the budget – and in fact is often one of the biggest challenges, if not the largest, in the discretionary category,” says Rampe. The reason for the higher education gets less money because the government knows these schools have other ways to get income, so they do not always allocate the amount for higher education part of the budget (Rampe).

As an example of how high tuition is becoming, Richard Vedder is economics professor at Ohio University, director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, and author of Go Broke by Degree: Why College costs too much (Vedder). In The New York Times article, he said that according to the College Board in 2011, pay in-state students Ohio the University is more than $ 17,000 per year, including tuition, room and board, which was 6% more than last year (Eddie). He found out that Americans in 2009 spent inconceivable amounts of money on higher education, which was about $ 461 billion, this is much more than the GDP of some countries such as Portugal and Norway.

Students are becoming more aware of the issue and have already started to take action against it. In some states, such as California, the students showed in 2008 from teaching their doubled. Vedder encourages not only students, but also the families to reach out to government programs that are available to help with the cost of college. He believes that the only one who can take real action to rising college costs the federal government. Vedder says, “but private companies cut prices for consumers and costs to themselves through optimizations that increase profits and revenue, universities lack the incentive.” In saying this, it shows that universities can not operate as a business and make money, so in order to keep the money they need to run and increase tuition rates are increasing every year.

In a nutshell, we can conclude that tuition fees have had a negative effect and continue to do what the students because this leads them to face financial pressure. Tek higher education, and advance through the classes is hard enough as it is, when money issues into the equation leads to unbearable levels of stress. Finally, these above reasons frustrate students and their families year after year.

Works cited

Rampe, Catherine. “Why Tuition has skyrocketed in state schools. March 2, 2012. Web. 15 November 2012.

Vedder, Richard.” Why College cost so much? Web. CNN. Cable News Network, 2 December 2011. Web. November 14, 2012.

Smith, Vicki. “WVU board is Ok percent tuition increases.” 7, 2012. Web. December 5, 2012.
