Most Colleges Require letters


I can not overemphasize the importance of developing strong relationships with high school teachers and counselors as soon as possible. Very well written, all telling letter can absolutely make the difference of being accepted or rejected to any college.

Students the top of one or more of their classes should first ask the teachers to write letters of recommendation (LOR). However, if a teacher balks, is the least bit hesitant or shows no interest in the prospect of writing such a letter, one teacher, one that is likely to make student shine, should be approached instead. A less than ideal Lor is virtually worthless!

Choose wisely. I recall often LOR for content and grammar, and is constantly amazed at how careless and lax some teachers, counselors and other well-intentioned people can be by letter so important. Select teachers who have expressed a genuine interest in the future of the student.

Most schools require LOR from education and some ask for one or more of English, Science and / or math teacher student. But those who requested application school letter, are also recommended additional LOR is. I suggest no more than two extras, but the third is totally unique.

Unless the student is an athlete, any teacher is desirable to coach unless the coach actually teaches core or ordinary materials such as English, Chemistry, History, Mathematics, or language. In some cases, the writer actually asks the student for the outline of what they should write! Each letter should be from someone who knows the student well, such as:

o A college professor (excellent)

o A high ranking military officer (also great)

o member of the clergy

o Chairman or the head of a large company

o member of the voluntary organization where the student did community

or parents of disabled students from volunteer work, ie Special Olympics

o A parent with whom the child was taught by a student

The LOR can also be made relative with a different last name if the above conditions are met, but it should not give the impression that it is from relatives to avoid a biased view.

For LOR is not written in English, I recommend the English translation attached and set upon with a preface stating, “For your convenience, the following is the English translation of the accompanying letter.”

The advisors make any Lor originating from high school. Students should be cautioned to submit any sealed or unsealed LOR they get on their own and outside their school! Any LOR from someone other than a teacher or guidance counselor should be sent by the person who wrote it, the student

All LOR should be addressed as follows :.

Date (Be sure to include PID student SS # or school.)

[Name of school]

[name of member if you know what]

Director of admissions

[Street or PO Box]

[City, State, Zip, Zip + 4 if available]

RE: Name of student

Dear Director: [You need to know their name]

By following these guidelines, students will surely increase their edge – even if they are Valedictorian. The best students also have the edge because they are competing against other exceptional students. Those with less than exemplary numbers will stand a better chance of being approved in the admissions process with outstanding LOR’s.

Every student has that all-important edge in every aspect of the admissions process. An excellent LOR, the chances of approval will be proportionally reduced to …
