How to Report Bad university


College is something you should take very seriously. You pay good money and spend a few hours devoting time to. A lot of students spend time complaining about their college professors. Whether they are unfair, always late, do not give homework back in time they are rude, this is something that should be taken seriously.

There are too many college professors out there who get away with bad teaching and everything else under the sun. We pay too much money for these professors for them to teach bad. If you have a professor who has gone too far, or not teach well, you need to report them!

The only way that a professor will know that they are teaching evil is by having someone report them and for someone in high school staff to talk to them. Here’s how you can report the university

Office Dean :. You should try to go down to the office of the dean, so you can talk to someone. When you do, tell them why you are there and why you are upset with your professor

Secretary :. If you can not get to the office of the dean or if they aren ‘t do anything about it, talk to your registrar. They have relationships with professors and staff and perhaps you can slip in a few words

End of Semester :. At the end of the semester, it is common that each professor has to go on teaching for the semester. If you think they have done a poor job, be sure to write it down! Write down everything you want, just be honest.

Reports bad professor is not something you should feel guilty. They get paid good money, should be a model, and should help you in every way that can. If something is getting in the way of what should be reported.
